Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Friend's Birthday

Hello, yes, I am still alive.

Today is November 14th, Subekchha's birthday. She is an ah-ma-zing friend.
(sorry, I stole the picture).
We have been there in each other lives since our high school days. After all these years, she's still the same for me. She moved to Australia, I moved to New York, life changed but one thing that never changed was our friendship. We are in contact through face book and emails, and our bond has solidified as we grow older and wiser. Though we don’t get to hang out as much as I’d love to, she has a special place in my heart and always will. I'll always cherish each and every moments we had together, because seriously, that girl is something special. She is smart, funny, innocent and oh, how can I forget “creative”. So today, I wish her a fantastic birthday with hopes that she will end the day with lots of fun with her loved ones somewhere in Australia while blaring a punk rock hipster kinda dance music that I am not smart enough to understand.

I know she hates make up and that sorta biatch (I read that on her face book) hah!!! but on her birthday, i wish, she acknowledges the fact that she's beautiful, and she doesn't need that. But it would be great, if she starts acting like a lady and at least start using mascara.

In high school, we went through boy dramas, epic heartbreaks, bitching and what not. And looking back on the last few years, I think I understand why she holds a special place in my heart. She was always there for me, and I appreciate it.

Also I know she wants to keep it low profile, but it’s her birthday, and it’s worth celebrating and blogging.

For Subekchha:
· I hope this year; you learn to be wiser and  braver. On that note, please quit your nail biting habit, this year please. Nail paint won't hurt either.
· Things are changing greatly, and we don’t even say hello quite often, no matter what. I love you. Thank you for being true to yourself.
· Even though my definition of adventure is lazy afternoons, eating junk food and blogging while watching family guy, I wanna do all that with you while we are still young (tee-hee!!!).
· I still miss some of the stupid things we used to do in high school. And your epic dance moves.
· I am a big fan of your writing and art you should continue doing it.
· I am always on your side.
 "happy birthday love"
p.s. This blog wouldn't exist without your support and encouragement. Thanks.


  1. Leeeeeeza,
    This is super rare.. really.. wow a whole blog on me!! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH my partner.

    Man, you're on a mission to make me look really nice. hehe.. Its time for my review in my everfamous late-response state. Where do I actually start..

    Firstly, I do not mind you stealing that pic (lucky it was the only pic I came out looking a little slim and less mainstream). All whats you have said about me, those beautiful words, make me feel so special that I cant stop feeling awkward (in a good way) (blush) (blush) (more blushes). I agree, our friendship has definitely solidified in time. "Two freshmen, completely different opinionated, both challenger by personality, both fun-heads."
    If you think about it, it could have been a disaster but our chemistry worked so well during those days, we became wildly widely famous :P that we unknowingly forgot about our main subject Chemistry.

    Now, things may have changed in our lives, but I always need a dose of remembering those times to smile, to learn, to be strong, to continue to be myself and I miss you (LoL so random).
    Our friendship is a blockbuster hit and Let me tell you my friend, you are a superstar in this friendship :) You make this friendship equally special.

    For Liza:
    - Thank you Thank you Thank you for the wonderful wish. I announce that its the best birthday gift this year (BUSTED! spare me on this one, Prasan :P )
    - That phrase catches me every time "while we are still young!" Hope we meet soon for the real fun to begin.
    - Lastly, I have kind of started on a lippy but I have no idea what kind of mascara fits me cos I still continue to get so emotional watching movies.

    And you always be yourself too.
    Stay shining.

    1. aww...i love you chubay...i hope you had a wonderful time, and yes, i miss you : ).... No wonder why i flunked in chemistry.
      and thank god lip balm exists.
